
I specialize in Backend Design and Development. I work on modern backend using technologies like NodeJs and GoLang.

Work Experiences

Backend Engineer

Bwizard | 03/2020 - Present

Leading a team of developers in Designing and Developing Backend for various Client Projects.

  • Implemented CI/CD for the team for easier deployment and integration and catching up with the deadlines.
  • Backends consisted of cloud-based instant messaging system, specialized ecommerce, social networking service, university management system, online multiplayer game etc.
  • Designed schemas for all projects with emphasis on performance.

Backend Engineer

Owesome | 08/2019 - 02/2020

Designed and Developed Backend for the SaaS platform. Focused on microservices architecture, made use of serverless computing, and handled deployment to GCP.

Jr. Backend Developer

Inxane | 01/2019 - 07/2019

Developed a system of subscription based full-stack application using Node.js, Express.js, MySQL. Managed cloud infrastructure on AWS (EC2, Route53 and RDS).


Function as a Service (FaaS)

A compute service that lets users run function without provisioning or managing servers. Designed & Developed a distributed architecture for scalability. Implemented features such as Arguments, Timeout, Memory isolation, Parallel execution, Package Manger(NPM) support etc.


A Collaborative Code Editing Web App with support for 100 rooms.

  • Real-time, bidirectional, event based communication and change detection algorithms enable global syncing of data.
  • On average the application gets around 100 daily visitors.